Rabu, 12 Juli 2017

Employment Job Issues

                                                      Employment Job Issues

What is important for you in a career choise, for me, the most important in career choice is the flexibilty schedule. That is a schedule that is not too crowded in 1 week, there are 2 days for holidays or at least, Saturday can go home early, schedule returning work hours are regular, work is not too much time drain, and can be off on certain days . It does not mean I do not dedicate myself to work and work with monotony alone without adding creativity and self-development. However, as a woman, who later I must be a wife and mother, I must prioritize family affairs.

Every morning I should be able to prepare a healthy breakfast for my husband and child. Encourage them to live their activities. Not to forget I can also go home early, or at least come home the same hour with my husband, for wishing to serve my husband when coming home. I also want to accompany and monitor the progress of my children, I do not want even if I work, my child becomes less attention. I am very concerned about my children's growth, and give my time to them, even though I work. Although I can afford to pay a housekeeper, I want to, I can handle my small family affairs with my cold hands, as a mother and wife.

I grew up from a big family where there are many women working. But with all their efforts, they can become a career woman, a good mother and wife. That is evidenced by their brilliant career in the office, their dear children (achievers, good, and not lacking attention), and keeps her  harmonious relationship between husband and wife. Indeed, in the case of career women, it takes all understanding from various parties so that all activities carried out can run well. If all parties already understand the conditions and risks that exist, just how to form a good communication in order to avoid misunderstanding. I learn a lot from those who become successful career women, also successful in the household affairs, it is not easy, but by still able to divide the time well, undoubtedly creates agood  career in the office and home. 

What are some common job problems? In my opinion, the usual problem in the world of work is the miss communication, the attitude that can not be mixed with fellow team work or other lines, greed that arise, also do not want to learn and improve themselves. Here it takes self-awareness and responsibility of each party in order to achieve its target that has been specified. Because when we work, we are paid to run the company's operations to make a profit.

And for me, the ideal work siuation is a work that suits the heart. Not sacrificing much time for the family, and having a great team in supporting their respective careers. Security and comfort are guaranteed, as well as guaranteed old age benefits. And do not forget to work well in accordance with operational standards. 

If my supervisor is making poor decison for the company, I will express my opinion that I think is correct, because if the supervisor makes a bad decision, will affect the condition of the company in the future. There is nothing wrong with giving suggestions and ideas for progress together

Sabtu, 20 Mei 2017


1. Positive (+) = Subject + V1(s/es) + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O
3. Interrogative (?)= Do/Does + Subject + V1 + O

1. Positive (+) = O + To be + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + To be + Not + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + O + V3 + By + S

1. Active = she reads a book (+)
Passive = a book is read by her (+)

2. Active = Does she read a book? (?)
Passive = Is a book read by her (?)

3. Active = I wear a black jacket (+) 
Passive = a black jacket is worn by me (+)

4. Pasive = I am loved by her (+)
Active = She love me (+)

1. Positive (+) = Subject + To be + Ving + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + To be + Not + Ving + O
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + Subject + Ving + O

1. Positive (+) = O + To be + Being + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + To be + Not + Being + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + O + Being + V3 + By + S

1. Active = My mother is cooking a dinner for me (+)
Passive = A dinner is being cooked by my mother for me (+)

2. Active = Is my mother cooking a dinner for me? (?)
Passive = Is a dinner being cooked by my mother for me? (?)

3. Pasive = The wedding party is being celebrated by my parents (+)
Active = My parents are celebrating the wedding party(+)

1. Positive (+) = Subject + Has/Have + V3 + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + Has/Have + Not + V3 + O
3. Interrogative (?)= Has/Have + Subject + V3 + O

1. Positive (+) = O + Has/Have + Been + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + Has/Have + Not + Been + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= Has/Have + O + Been + V3 + By + S

1. Active = I have finished the home work (+)
Passive = The home work has been finished by me (+)

2. Active = Have I finished the home work? (?)
Passive = Has the home work been finished by me? (?)

My True Love

  I think that friendship is sincere, happy and empathic. Give each other without expecting a reply, and understand each other. How to be yourself. Everyone deserves to be made friends without exception. Because each of us gets to know new people, and befriends him/her (even if only for a while) we can learn the characteristics of that person. There is something we take his knowledge. Of good science. Good and bad things from a person we can think of. Of course that is good we take for our better life. And the evil we make the lessons and limitations. so that we can keep a distance to not do such actions.

For me, there is no striking difference between my bestfriend and friend. Because according to my principles, if we do sincere goodness to someone, consciously or not, then we have taught the person to do good to us too. Even if our goodness we later be abused by the person, do not hurry to say "perriend, I do good to him/her" or "he/she doesn't  deserve my good". It's useless. Just dictate yourself to keep away from the good things. Believe me .... with us remain sincere and willing to do good for someone, it is actually proof that we are really good and capable. And surely we will get also from different ways or people. Means by staying good to others, we actually have done good for ourselves. It's just possible, if with bestfriend, we spend more time together, tell a lot of things and more trusted. Not to forget also, bestfriend must be the first person we contact if we get into trouble. Rely on people who are dependable.
And if asked, who is your best friend? Hmmmm, I feel the true friendship from Primary School- junior high school- senior high school-collage (semester 2). In elementary school i have beststfriend, in junior high school i have bestfriend, in high school i also have bestfriend. And in college (semester 2) I have a bestfriend too. Many things I learned during my friendship. I can understand a person's characteristics and habits more deeply. They all brought their own stories that made me such a person like now. But there is one important thing that I take from all good people (my bestfriend) so far, Want you to have a bestfriend who is always good to you, defends you even wrong, helps all your troubles, treats you to eat when there is no money and always covers your mistakes. But remember ... one day they will be busy with their respective affairs. Personal affairs, school, college, work, or other activities. And you can not keep expecting much of him/her. Because in the end, they, your bestfriend who always there for you, will leave you for their partner (married not courtship) but there is only one  person who will not leave you, under any circumstances and at any time. She will always be there for you without exception. She is YOUR MOM. Yes, your mom. She who supports you, always trying your best for you. In fact she is willing to sacrifice her life just for you, for you who do not necessarily know how big sacrifice so far, all the time.

My bestfriend, she is a home cook, but her cuisine is not less delicious than gordon ramsay's food. She is not a melodious singer, but her voice is more soothing than celine dion's voice. she is an amateur photographer, but her photographs will always be a must in your life. She is a stylist of clothes, hair, untrained makeup, but always makes you beautiful in front of many people. she  is a judge without an education degree, but her decisions are always fair and real. she  is a doctor without a practice license, but she is always concerned about your health and always alert if you are sick. she is the best teacher and motivator. she who always prayed the best for you without you asking for it. And she is also the real my true love. From my birth, to being reborn in another world. She is my mother.

What my best friend and I do is actually a simple thing. Like making me full, making sure I wear good clothes and makeup, Giving medication and attention if I complain of pain, advising me if I am wrong, and always taking the time to hear my stories. It all sounds simple, but it really is the most sincere form of affection. The proof that love is simple.

We know each other from the beginning I got out of her womb. From the first time she shed tears as she stared at me. Until now, later, and whenever. she knows everything about you, how bad you are, your habits, your attitude and your nature, to your favorite brands. she must know. she knows us well. Outside and inside, without exception. In fact she can know you better than yourself.

What we do when we are together is making a delicious cookies, cooking with new recipe, shopping together, eating spicy meatballs (though not often), talking about new gossip and latest news, side by side even with our mobile phones. And criticize each other if the clothes we wear less suitable.

She is the most sincere, the most honest, the most understanding, the wisest, the most caring, the most fierce if I am naughty hehehe. But, surely she is the person who loves you  the most. It will not bear her heart to see you grieving, always giving the best for you, always trying to make you happy, and the people who most patiently escort you from our start who knows nothing, untill we can understand how life means.

Love your mom !! No matter what. With her  prayer our lives are more blessed and secure. With her blessing everything will be easy and directed. With her advice, life will feel better and better again. Thank you mom, my true love, my truest friend, my best in everything. she is the one you can rely on most. Even if you repeatedly hurt her, she will still forgive you without you need to apologize.

"As mothers and daughters, we are connected with one another. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her."
―Kristin Hannah, Summer Island

                                                        XOLOVE, YOUR PRINCESS

Minggu, 30 April 2017


Pengunaan Have Something Done
Kita biasa mengucapkan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris jika suatu pekerjaan atau hal yang sudah selesai yakni have something done. Namun dalam penggunaannya tidak bisa diucapkan ketika orang lain yang melakukan sesuatu yang sudah diselesaikannya seperti kalimat we do something, we did something atau we are going to something.

Mungkin orang banyak yang keliru dengan penggunaan have something done. Seperti contoh ketika kita mengucapkan kalimat I’m going to cut my hair. Sebenarnya yang dimaksud adalah ingin orang lain supaya memotong rambut Anda. Namun karena kalimat tersebut diucapkan, orang akan mengira 
jika Anda ingin memotong rambut Anda sendiri dengan tangan Anda.

Maka untuk mengatakan bahwa orang lain lah yang mengerjakan perkerjaan itu untuk kita, maka strukturnya yang tepat adalah to have something done.


· I have my car serviced every two months
(Saya sudah meminta agar mobil saya diservis setiap 2 bulan)

· We had the house redecorated in next summer.
(Kami telah meminta agar rumah itu didekorasi ulang pada musim panas yang akan datang)

· I am going to have my hair cut.
(Saya akan meminta tukang pangkas untuk memangkas rambut saya)

kata "get" bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti kata "have" namun artinya tidak berubah.


· I get my car serviced every two months.

· We got the house redecorated over the summer.

· I am going to get my hair cut.

Contoh lain untuk penggunaan yang tepat dari have something done:

· I am having a swimming pool built now - Aku sedang membangun kolam renang. (sekelompok pekerja yang terlibat dalam hal ini, dan saya tidak sendirian)

· Jill had the roof repaired. - Jill memperbaiki atap kemarin. (tidak sendiri naik untuk memperbaiki, dan menyebabkan pekerja yang dibuat)

· He is going to have his eyes tested. - Dia akan memiliki mata yang sudah diuji. (pergi ke pusat oftalmologi di mana semuanya diperiksa Optik)

Pengunaan Causative Have

Causative have adalah sebuah susunan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang mempunyai arti menyuruh, memintah, bahkan memaksa orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Dalam bahasa Inggris causative have bisa nggunakan kata HAVE, MAKE, GET, dan LET. Kursus Inggris kali  ini akan menjelasakan pengertian causative have, bagaimana menyusun kalimat dengan causative, dan contoh dan penerapannya dalam berbagai macam kalimat bahasa Inggris.
Pada dasarnya susunan kalimat dengan causative have dibedakan menjadi 2, aktif dan pasif. Berikut adalah penjelasannya.
1. Causative have dalam kalimat aktif.
Rumus causative have dalam kalimat aktif
Rumus: Subject + HAVE + Object 1 + Verb 1 + Object 2
I have my sister cook friend rice = Saya menyuruh adik saya memasak nasi goreng
Dalam kalimat diatas, causative have diterapakan pada kalimat aktif. Dalam artian saya (subject) meminta adik saya (object) untuk memsaka nasi goreng.
Ingat setelah object, verb 1 (cook) harus dipakai.
2.  Causative have dalam kalimat pasive
Rumus causative have dalam kalimat pasif

Subject + HAVE + Object 2 + Verb 3
I have friedd rice cooked = Saya minta nasi goreng dimasaka
Dalam kalimat diatas, causative have digunakan pada kaliamt pasif. Ini berarti Object pertama tidak perlu disebutkan alias tidak diketahui siapa yang diminta melakukan kegiatan itu.
Ingat setelah object Verb 3 (cooked) harus digunakan

Macam-Macam Kata dalam Kalimat Causative Have

Susunana kalimat causative have itu bisa menggunkan kata HAVE, MAKE, GET, dan LET. Contoh peggunaanya dalam kalimat sebagaimana berikut:
HAVE: We have you wait for a moment
MAKE: The robbers made us lie on the floor.  (No passive form
GET: I got Jae Won to pick me up in the car. (Menggunkan TO INFINITIVE VERB)
LET: I’ll let you borrow my bike. (No passive form)
Arti dari ke empat kata dalam causative have diatas semuanya adalah serupa, yatu meminta orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Meski begitu penekanannya yang berbeda. Jika memakai MAKE, ini berarti besifat perintah dan paksaan.

Sabtu, 08 April 2017

Direct dan Indirect bentuk pertanyaan

Dalam bahasan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Direct dan Indirect dalam bentuk pertanyaan.

1. Bila kalimat tanya menggunakan Auxiliary Verb (kata kerja bantu)
 Pada umumnya Reporting Verb (kata kerja yang melaporkan) menggunakan kata kerja : ask(bertanya). sedangkan dalam kalimat tak langsung nya antara Reporting Verb dengan Reported Words dihubungkan dengan kata "if & whether (jika, apakah)"
 Rumus : Introductory Clause + if/whether + S + V
 Contoh :
   D : I asked her, "Do you like banana?"
    = Saya bertanya padanya, "Aapakah kamu suka pisang?"
   I : I asked her whether she liked banana
    = Saya bertanya padanya apakah dia suka pisang

2. Bila kalimat tanya menggunakan kata tanya (Question Word)
  Dalam bentuk kalimat tak langsung, kata tanya yang digunakan dalam kalimat langsung di rubah menjadi kata penghubung (where, when, why, what, who, how,)  antara Reporting Verb dengan Reported Words.
Rumus : Introductory Clause + Wh-word** + S + V
 Contoh :
  D : Rahma asked me, "Who is that boy?"
   = Rahma bertanya kepada saya "siapa lelaki itu?"
   I : Rahma asked me who that boy was
   = Rahma bertanya kepada saya siapa lelaki itu

Jumat, 07 April 2017

Penggunaan Indefinte Pronoun

Idenfinite Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang merujuk pada benda, obyek atau apapun yang tidak spesifik. Indefinite pronounmemiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak. Pada beberapa kasus,indefinite pronoun dapat digunakan sebagai kata ganti yang tunggal maupun jamak.

Idenfinite yang akan dibahas kali ini adalah : some, any, and no

1. Some (beberapa, sedikit)
 Apabila digunakan bersama countable noun memiliki arti beberapa. Sedangkan jika digunakan bersama uncountable noun memiliki arti sedikit. Dan pada umunnya digunakan dalam kalimat positif
 Contoh :

  • I have some money                                                                                                                            = saya mempunyai sedikit uang
  • There are some ruler on the table                                                                                                       =Ada beberapa penggaris diatas meja
2. any(beberapa, sedikit)
 Jika digunakan bersama countable noun memiliki arti beberapa, tetapi jika digunakan dalam kalimat uncountable noun berarti sedikit. Dan pada umumnya digunakan dalam kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya.
 Contoh :

  • She doesn't have any time to talk with you                                                                                           = Dia tidak mempunyai banyak waktu untuk berbicara denganmu
  • Does your brother have any interesting book ?                                                                                   = Apakah saudaramu mempunyai buku yang menarik ?

3. No (tidak)
 Digunakan untuk mengganti bentuk not any
 Contoh :

  • There was not any children in the yard                                                                                                = Tidak ada anak-anak di taman

Kamis, 06 April 2017

Penggunaan Determiner

 Pembahasan kali ini akan membahas penggunaan Determiner, Determiner adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang diletakkan di depan noun/kata benda untuk memperjelas mengacu pada apa noun/kata benda tersebut.

 Yang akan di bahasa meliputi all, each, every, few dan little.

Mari kita bahas satu persatu secara lebih lengkap.

1. All (semua)
 Digunakan bersama countable noun(benda yang dapat dihitung) dan uncoutable noun (benda yang tidak dapat dihitung)
 Contoh :

  • You must take all the books for your children                                                                                     =Kamu harus membawa semua buku-buku itu untuk ank-anakmu
  • All my paper is white                                                                                                                         =Semua kertas ku berwarna putih
2. Each (tiap-tiap)
 Digunakan untuk orang atau benda yang berjumlah dua atau lebih
 Contoh :

  • Each student has to do that lesson                                                                                                       = Masing-masing siswa harus mengerjakan pelajaran itu

3. Every (setiap)
 Pada umumnya digunakan untuk bilangan tertentu yang lebih dari dua
 Contoh :

  • He comes here every sunday                                                                                                             =Dia datang kesini setiap hari minggu

4. Few (sedikit)
 Digunakan bersama countable noun (yang dapat dihitung)
 Contoh :

  • There are few students in the classroom                                                                                              = Ada sedikit murid di dalam kelas

5. Little (sedikit, hampir tak ada, tidak banyak)
 Digunakan bersama dengan uncoutable noun (yang tak dapat dihitung)
Contoh :

  • Give me little water, please                                                                                                                 = Tolong berikan saya sedikit air


Direct and Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Present

Sebelum memabahas tentang direct dan indirect dalam bentuk past, kita harus mengenal dulu apa itu Direct and Indirect.
  Direct : Perkataan langsung yang diucapkan pembaca
  Indirect : Kalimat yang diucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan seseorang kepada orang lain

Apabila kalimat langsung (direct speech) memiliki Reporting  Verb dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, Future Tense atau Present Pefect Tense, maka saat diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech) Reporter Word-nya tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk tense.

a. Simple Present Tense tetap menjadi  Simple Present Tense
  Contoh :
 D : Rizki says, "I am ill"
 I : Rizki says that he is ill

b. Present Continous Tense tetap menjadi  Present Continous Tense
 Contoh :
 D : She will say, "I am writiting a letter"
 I : She will say that she is writing a letter

c. Future Tense tetap menjadi  Future Tense
 Contoh :
 D : Luna has said to me, "I will go with you"
 I : Luna has said that she will go with me

d. Simple Past Tense tetap menjadi  Simple Past Tense
 Contoh :
 D : Billy will say, "I was Happy in that day"
 I : Billy will say that he was happy in that day

e. Future Continous Tense tetap menjadi  Future Continous Tense
 Contoh :
 D : He says, "I shall be eating at six tonight"
 I : He says that he will be eating at six tonight

f. Present Perfect Tense tetap menjadi  Present Perfect Tense
 Contoh :
 D : Bitari has said, "I have worked hard this year"
 I : Bitari has said that she has worked hard this year

Direct and Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Past

Sebelum memabahas tentang direct dan indirect dalam bentuk past, kita harus mengenal dulu apa itu Direct and Indirect.
  Direct : Perkataan langsung yang diucapkan pembaca
  Indirect : Kalimat yang diucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan seseorang kepada orang lain

Dalam pembahasan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang direct and indirect yang menggunakan bentuk past. Apabila kalimat langsung memiliki reporting verb dalam bentuk simple past tense atau past perfect tense, maka saat diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung, reported words-nya akan mengalami perubahan dalam bentuk waktu, keterangan waktu dan keterangan tempatnya. 

a. Simple Present Tense berubah menjadi Simple Past Tense
  Contoh :
 D : He said,  "my mother is a wise woman"
 I : He said that his mother was a wise women

b. Present Continuous Tense berubah menjadi  Past Continuous Tense
  Contoh :
 D : Sarah had said , "I am cooking rice"
 I : Sarah had said that she was cooking a rice

c. Future Tense berubah menjadi  Past Future Tense
 Contoh :
 D : He said , "I will go to school"
 I : He said that he would go to school

d. Future Continous Tense berubah menjadi  Past Continous Tense
 Contoh :
 D :  She had said, " I shall be studying at that time"
 I :  She had said that she should be studying at that time

e. Simple Past Tense berubah menjadi  Past Pefect Tense
 Contoh :
 D : Rahman said, " I studied English last night"
 I :  Rahman said that he had studied English the previuous night

f. Present Perfect Tense berubah menjadi  Past Perfect Tense
 Contoh :
D : Monica had said, "My mother has gone to the market"
I :  Monica had said that her mother had gone to the market

Disamping perubahan bentuk waktu Reported words-nya juga harus di perhatikan perubahan keterangan waktu (adverb of time) dan keterangan tempat (adverb of place) contoh sbb :

The following day
The day before
Next week
The following week
That night/That day

My lovely Pitt

      This is my sad experience, In the middle of June of 2015, I got my first cat. His name was Pitt. I was 15  years old when I got him. He was the cutest kitty I have ever seen. He instantly became my best friend and since I hadn't started school yet, he was my only friend. He would always follow me around when I would leave the room we were in. He always wanted in my room and would scratch at my door until I let him in. He hated being picked up but he would always let me pick him up and hold him for awhile. Pitt was the best cat I could ever ask for. 
    There were times he would scratch me but it was my fault because I would always bug him. I'd make him dance with me or make him try to walk on his two back legs and sometimes his two front legs. I remember when my family and I brought him home, I told him he was going to live forever and he would always be my kitty. He licked my face and i hugged him.  
    12th May, at 8:07 P.M, he passed away... :(  within the last couple weeks, I noticed he had been losing weight. He started to have trouble walking and even if you put him down really gently, he would still fall over. Earlier today, he had to drag himself across the floor when he tried to walk but fell over and smacked his head against the table. My dad found an old blanket and set it by his chair and wrapped Pitt up in it. He didn't open his eyes at all when my dad moved him.  He lost all of his energy. I am going to miss him so much. He always knew when I was upset or having a bad day because he would walk over to me and rub his head on mine and lick my face. When he saw me crying, he would snuggle up next to me and I would hold him and he would lick my hand. R.I.P Pitt, I will always love you and no cat could ever replace you <3

Minggu, 02 April 2017

Membentuk Question Tag

 Question tag adalah pertanyaan singkat di akhir kalimat/pernyataan yang digunakan untuk meminta persetujuan dari lawan bicara Anda atau mengonfirmasi benar tidaknya pernyataan Anda tersebut

Berikut ini beberapa ketentuan dalam membentuk question tag :

1. Jika kalimatnya positif, maka question tag-nya negatif.
  • You are sick, aren’t you? (Kamu sakit, kan?)
  • She is Rani, isn’t she? (Dia Rani, bukan?)
2. Jika kalimatnya negatif, maka question tag-nya positif.
  • You are not sick, are you?([Kamu tidak sakit, kan?)
  • She is not serious, is she? (Dia tidak serius, bukan?)
3. Jika subjeknya I am, maka question tag-nya aren’t I. Namun, bila subjeknya I am not, maka question tag-nya am I.
  • I am beautiful, aren’t I? (Saya cantik, kan?)
  • I am not late, am I? (Saya tidak telat, kan?)
4.  Jika kalimatnya menggunakan kata kerja (verb), maka gunakan do/does untuk Verb 1 dan did untuk Verb 2 dalam membuat question tag-nya.
  • Justin plays Badminton, doesn’t he? (Justin bermain badminton, kan?)
  • She played Badminton, didn’t she? (Dia bermain badminton, kan?)
5. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan modals, maka gunakan modals untuk question tag-nya. Khusus untuk modals have to, gunakan kata bantu do untuk question tag-nya.
  • Kabir can’t speak english, can he? (Kabir tidak bisa berbicara inggris, kan?)
  • They have to go to library, don’t they? (Mereka harus pergi ke perpustakaan, kan?)
6.  Jika kalimatnya mengandung sebuah kata dengan arti negatif, seperti nobody, no one, seldom, nothing, hardly, barely, rarely, maka gunakan question tag positif.
  • No one cares about this gossip, do they? (Tak ada seorang pun yang peduli dengan gosip ini, kan?)
  • She never seems to care, does she? (Dia tak pernah nampak peduli, kan?)
  • Nobody lived in this house, did they? ( Tidak ada seorang pun yang tinggal di rumah ini, kan?)
7. Jika subjeknya everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one dan nobody, maka gunakan they dalam question tag.
  • Somebody played the guitar last night, didn’t they? (Seseorang bermain gitar tadi malam, kan?)
  • Everybody watched the movie, didn’t they? (Setiap orang menonton film itu, kan?)
8.  Jika subjeknya everything, something, dan nothing, maka gunakan it dalam question tag.
  • Everything should be alright, shouldn’t it? (Semua seharusnya baik-baik saja, kan?)
  • Something is wrong, isn’t it? (Sesuatu salah, kan?)
9. Jika kalimatnya berupa perintah atau larangan, gunakan will you untuk question tag-nya.
  • Open  the window, will you? (Buka jendela, ya?)
  • Don’t be late, will you? (Jangan telat, ya?)
10. Jika kalimatnya dimulai dengan let’s, maka question tag-nya adalah shall we.
  • Let’s playing football, shall we? (Bermain bola, yuk?)
  • Let’s go to the vintas's home, shall we? (Pergi ke rumah vinta, yuk?)

Senin, 20 Maret 2017

Active Voice Dan Passive Voice & Present Simle, Present Continues, Present Perfect

                                                  Active Voice Dan Passive Voice

1. Pengertian

Active Voice

Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya berbuat sesuatau atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat aktif adalah kata kerjanya selalu berawalan “me-“ dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ber-“. Pada kalimat aktif (active voice) ini, kita cukup menggunakan bentuk dasar dari kata kerja (verbs) dalam penyusunan kalimatnya.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice adalah konstruksi tatabahasa (secara khusus, specifically, a “voice”). Kata atau frasakata benda yang akan menjadi obyek dari kalimat aktif muncul sebagai subjek kalimat dengansuara pasif. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kalimat pasif biasanya diikuti prefix berupa di atau ter. Contohnya kalau kalimat aktifnya menginjak maka kalimat pasifnya menjadi dipukul atau terpikul.

2. Rumus
Active Voice
=S + V (kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan tenses-nya) + O
Contoh : I eat a grape
Passive Voice
=S + be + past participle + (by agent)
Contoh : A grape is eat bye me

3. Ciri Kalimat

Active Voice

  • Pada kalimat aktif subjek melakukan suatu tindakan yang langsung mengenai objeknya.
  • Kalimat Aktif memiliki pola S-P-O-K atau S-P-K Predikat kalimat aktif selalu diawali dengan imbuhan Me- atau Ber–.
  • kalimat aktif memerlukan objek, Setelah mendapat predikat subjek ditambah pelengkap atau keterangan.

Pasive Voice

  • to be + V3  dan kata by (kata ini bukan merupakan syarat yang harus ada dalam kalimat pasif )
  • Yang dapat dijadikan kalimat passive adalah Verbal Sentence (kalimat yang predikatnya kata kerja/V)
  • Verbal sentence yang dapat dirubah ke Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang memiliki objek penderita.

                                    Present Simle, Present Continues, Present Perfect

                                                                    Present Simle

1. Pengertian Simple present 
bentuk kata kerja yang paling umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris, yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian faktual dan kebiasaan, umum atau tidak umum, menginstruksikan, atau rencana jadwal.

2. Rumus
 Verbal Sentense :
(+)  S+ V1 + (s/es)
(-)   S+ DO/DOES + NOT + V1
(?)  DO?DOES +S + V1

3. Contoh 
  (+) Father reads a news paper
  (- ) Father doesn’t read a news paper
  (?) Does father read a news paper? Yes, he does/ No he doesn’t

                                                                        Present Continues
1. Pengertian Present Continues
Tense yang berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang sedang dilakukan pada masa sekarang (ketika berbicara) dan sesuatu di masa depan

2. Rumus                                                                                                                                                S + V1 + ing 

3. Contoh 
  • Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang dan masih terjadi ketika kita mengatakannya. Contoh:
  1. am studying English now.
  2. Don’t make any sound! The students are having an exam.
  •  Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang kita anggap hanya sementara. Contoh:
  1. We are staying in a nearby hotel.
  2. I’m working on my undergraduate thesis.
  • Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang berubah, bertumbuh dan berkembang. Contoh:
  1. Since taking the comprehensive class, your Japanese is improving.
  2. Our company is growing to the level that we didn’t thought we could reach.
  • Untuk menyatakan rencana masa depan. Contoh :
  1. Josh and I are going on a date next Saturday.
  2. I’m doing a voluntary work tomorrow.

                                                        Present Perfect

1. Pengertian
Present Perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu aktivitas yang telah dilakukan pada saat ini. Dikatakan perfect karena pekerjaanya telah sempurna/selesai/paripurna pada saat ini (present). Oleh sebab itulah ia menggunakan kata kerja have yang berarti telah untuk menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaannya telah usai. Jadi jangan tertukar dengan have yang berarti “memiliki” karena have yang berarti memiliki setelahnya pasti akan diikuti oleh sebuah kata benda (noun). 

2. Rumus dan Contoh
S + have/has + Verb-3
I have told you 3 times.
S + have/has + been + nominal
The storm has gone.
S + have/has + not + Verb-3
I have not ever gone to Jogjakarta even once.
S + have/has + not + been + nominal
In 1703, Indonesia has not been a country.
Have/has + S + Verb-3
Have you already taken a bath?
Have/has + S + been + nominal
Has she been in school now?

source : http://www.ilmubahasainggris.com/active-voice-dan-passive-voice-pengertian-rumus-ciri-pola-dan-contoh-kalimatnya-dalam-bahasa-inggris/