Kamis, 06 April 2017

My lovely Pitt

      This is my sad experience, In the middle of June of 2015, I got my first cat. His name was Pitt. I was 15  years old when I got him. He was the cutest kitty I have ever seen. He instantly became my best friend and since I hadn't started school yet, he was my only friend. He would always follow me around when I would leave the room we were in. He always wanted in my room and would scratch at my door until I let him in. He hated being picked up but he would always let me pick him up and hold him for awhile. Pitt was the best cat I could ever ask for. 
    There were times he would scratch me but it was my fault because I would always bug him. I'd make him dance with me or make him try to walk on his two back legs and sometimes his two front legs. I remember when my family and I brought him home, I told him he was going to live forever and he would always be my kitty. He licked my face and i hugged him.  
    12th May, at 8:07 P.M, he passed away... :(  within the last couple weeks, I noticed he had been losing weight. He started to have trouble walking and even if you put him down really gently, he would still fall over. Earlier today, he had to drag himself across the floor when he tried to walk but fell over and smacked his head against the table. My dad found an old blanket and set it by his chair and wrapped Pitt up in it. He didn't open his eyes at all when my dad moved him.  He lost all of his energy. I am going to miss him so much. He always knew when I was upset or having a bad day because he would walk over to me and rub his head on mine and lick my face. When he saw me crying, he would snuggle up next to me and I would hold him and he would lick my hand. R.I.P Pitt, I will always love you and no cat could ever replace you <3

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